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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

"...God in whose hand are your life-breath..."

I've been reading through the book of Daniel as of lately and it has been wonderfully refreshing. To see God's faithfulness so crystal clear in the life of Daniel is an encouragement to myself that God never goes back on His promises and that God chooses to use regular, average people like me and you for His purposes and glory.

I'm currently in chapter 5 of Daniel - the chapter entitled "Belshazzar's feast". To someone reading the Bible just for fun (why one would be doing that, I'm not sure), this chapter can get a little freaky. I mean, there's nothing like fingers from a hand coming out of nowhere and start writing stuff on walls, right? The whole story in this chapter is that, once again, Daniel is summoned to come into this feast hosted by the king, Belshazzar (the son of Nebuchadnezzar) to interpret what the writing on the wall means. Belshazzar has essentially been partying the night away, worshipping his gods "of gold and silver, of bronze, iron, wood and stone (vs. 4)". Then Daniel shows up and tells the king that the interpretation of the writing is that your days are numbered and a new king is about to step in and take your place. Sure enough, Belshazzar is slain that night and Darius the Mede takes over the kingdom.

What caught my eye the most from this chapter comes from verses 22-23. Daniel begins talking about how Nebuchadnezzar turned against God and wandered in the wilderness like a beast, yet God drew him back to Himself and he recognized that God is the "ruler of the realm over mankind (vs. 21)".  Then Daniel begins to rebuke Belshazzar:

       "Yet you, his son, Belshazzar, have not humbled your heart, even though you knew all this, but
        you have exalted yourself against the Lord of heaven, and they have brought the vessels of
        His house before you, and you and your nobles, your wives and your concubines have
        been drinking wine from them; and you have praised the gods of silver and gold, of bronze,
        iron, wood and stone, which do not see, hear or understand.  But the God in whose hand are
        your life-breath and all your ways, you have not glorified."

You know what makes sin seem silly? The sins in our life we have made our gods cannot reply to us, hear us, see us, smell us, or anything.  When we worship money, sex, friendships, jobs, cars, etc., etc. - it doesn't mean anything because we cannot talk to it or have a personal relationship with any of it.  A relationship with Jesus Christ is just that - a RELATIONSHIP.  It means we can talk to God, we can listen to God, and we can see what God is doing in the world around us.  Too often I look like Belshazzar, coveting and worshipping what the world and Satan offers me. Too many times, I need someone like Daniel to come up to me and chew me out.

God sustains us.  He gives us our life-breath all day, every day.  He has opened up the possibility of having a relationship with Him - an eternal relationship! That's cool right there. What a wonderful God we serve, who we have been given the privilege of being able to talk to Him.

In Christ,

Monday, September 5, 2011

....seasoned with salt....

"Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." -Colossians 4:6

In this day and age for Christianity, especially within the context of more conservative Christians, we have gotten into this habit of condemning people to Hell, throwing Scripture at them, and running away - never to see them again. I've been equally guilty of this. My sin feasts on hearing about men who are not preaching the right gospel, who are misleading congregations seating thousands upon thousands of people. Instead of praying for that person and desiring their heart be radically changed by the Word of God, my heart's default setting goes on and I instead - whether subconsciously or intentionally - condemn them to Hell. We love - and I'm included in this - to gossip about fellow believers in Christ. Our brothers and sisters in the faith who we will be spending eternity with!

While God certainly uses our weak vessels for the spread of his glory and fame, Paul reminds us in Colossians 4 that our words are to be gracious and "seasoned with salt".  Sin needs to be pointed out certainly. We need to be called out by our brothers and sisters when they see sin rising to the surface. But our natural tendency when conversing tends to go toward the condemning route as opposed to the gracious route. I love to think of myself as better than others because of the church I go to or how many times I've shared the Gospel with someone - but that's all wrong! Jesus' death on the cross was sufficient to cover every insufficiency in every human being. When I start thinking I need to perform, that's when I've misinterpreted why Jesus came to die on the cross. Jesus performed for us! We are made righteous in the sight of God ONLY because of Jesus! When we understand that, that is when we long to see people saved instead of writing them off as doomed for an eternity. That may be the case, but may our longing be for these people to hear and believe the true Gospel of Jesus Christ so that they may teach it to others and continue to make disciples. That's what I'm praying for all of us.

In Christ,

Monday, July 25, 2011

It Is Our Responsibility.....

"We don't just get opportunities to share the Gospel, it is our responsibility to share the Gospel." - Jesse Johnson

Have you ever thought about that before? The fact that sharing the good news of Jesus Christ is not just something fun to do in our spare time that God would really appreciate we start doing, instead it is a command for us as believers!  The mission of the church is to share the Gospel with a lost and dying world, that is priority number one.  Just look at Matthew 28, the Great Commission.  It says that we need to GO and make disciples.  Jesse Johnson at our church's Scatter Conference also talked about the fact that people interpret the verse as saying, "As you go.." instead of just "Go".  Either way, the command is still there to make disciples.

Now at first, in my mind, the word "duty" just didn't sit right.  It sounded almost as if we were just begrudgingly doing this, something we do because we have to.  But then I thought, if I'm a believer, it should be the desire of my heart to share the Gospel with others.  Yes, it is our responsibility but it is also our joy and passion to see the lost come to know Christ!  

2 Corinthians 4:15 says, "For all things are for your sakes, so that the grace which is spreading to more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God."  What is that verse saying?  Jesse Johnson seems to think that evangelism brings more glory to God!  Think about it, is God glorified through just one saved person? Yes.  How much more glorified is He through multiple people coming to salvation?!

I was very convicted by two quotes in particular.  One was during the conference in which Jesse Johnson said, "Look for excuses to share the Gospel." I can't tell you how many times in my sin, I've turned down opportunities to witness because of my pride and fear of man.  In my life, I've looked for more opportunities to not share the Gospel than to share it.  The other quote comes from the great Charles Spurgeon, "Every Christian is either a missionary or an impostor." I hope that sinks down into the very depths of our hearts and convicts us that spreading the Gospel is really the best thing to do because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the best news in the world.

In Christ,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

As Many As Were Appointed.....

"And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed." - Acts 13:48

God still has the power to save no matter what we say or do. This verse has been on my heart for a while because so many times I take things into my own hands and don't trust God. But to know that He had a plan from the foundation of the earth to save a select few from this group, it reminds me how much He is in control and I'm not.

In Christ,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Who's Standards Are We Living By?

Well, the title of this blog post says it all: "Who's standards are we living by?"

It is something I've been wrestling so hard with. Am I here trying to please other people or God? Am I basing my actions and thoughts off of what other people say - Christian or not? WHO'S STANDARDS AM I LIVING BY???!!!

It's a tough call to make sometimes and most of the time it may come down to making a personal decision. "How much can I take?" may be the right question to ask. That isn't to say "How close can I get to the edge before falling off?" But I am saying certain people can watch certain movies without it causing them to sin as opposed to other people. I believe that. (see 1 Corinthians 8 which seems to say that certain people struggled with eating meat and others didn't). Especially when it comes to differences between males and females and what we struggle with as different sexes.

But do we like making "personal decisions" because we're afraid to confront other people about their decisions regarding movies, computer choices, or even relationships. I don't think we should confront non-believers because Proverbs clearly says that that's a bad  idea on several occasions, most notably in Proverbs 15:12: "A scoffer does not like to be reproved....."

Solomon makes it clear that trying to correct a fool or scoffer will never work because they don't want that. However, it is also our duty as Christians, I believe, to "reprove, rebuke, and exhort" our fellow comrades in the faith (2 Timothy 4:2). In fact, I would go so far as to say that we are doing a disservice to our fellow brethren when we fail to confront them about sin patterns we see in their lives.

So this all seems to lead (in my mind anyway) back to who we're basing our standards off of. I know for me I love to base my decisions off of what another believer does. So is it my fault or there's for my sin that they may have caused me to do based on their actions? I think it's a little bit of both because they're still sinning but it's mostly mine. Why do we look at others and seem to convince ourselves that they're perfect and should do as they do? They're as evil, wicked, and depraved as I!! We both sin, we both fall short, and we both look to each other for standards! 

This may seem to be a confusing post to some but all I'm trying to say through this is let's look to true Perfection, perfect Righteousness, and the Spotless Lamb of God for our standards. Jesus did everything perfectly. I'd rather listen to His advice regarding how to live than any man. So let's help one another in this war. It's just another battle in this race to the finish. Another battle  already defeated by Christ on the cross. Let's look to the Ultimate Conqueror and help others do the same.

Thanks for listening. Good night.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Good 'Ol Days

Having been in college now for almost two whole years, I've gotten used to the idea that my high school days are over. From missions trips, basketball games, youth group, and various community activities - all the fun times I experienced in the past are just that: past. As great as those days were, a new chapter in my life is already halfway through and God has blessed me immensely to be a part of a wonderful church body up in Jonesboro and also have some great friends who keep me accountable in my walk with the Lord.

Having said that, it's weeks like this past one that make me really (A) miss the good 'ol days and (B) make me realize how good I've had it for the last almost 20 years.

For those reading, this past week was Spring Break and instead of doing the typical go to the beach and hang out with friends thing, I instead headed back to Little Rock to see my family and friends (most of whom I've grown up with almost my entire life). On Tuesday, I received a text message from a friend who I used to be in our youth group's worship team with - Rachel Sims. *Before I get any farther in this, you need to realize that I've maybe received one text from Rachel in my entire life so this was a surprise*. She was texting me asking if I could help her and some others record songs that a man named Jim McMurry had written.  Now Jim is a man who for several years was the leader of the youth group worship team I was a part of. He is one of the best guitarists I've ever seen and is also an excellent song writer, but more importantly, a wonderful believer who I had become very close with. So for 3 days we recorded around 15 or 16 songs that Jim had written.

For most people, this would be a nice little get-together to see old friends who I shared many, many, many high school memories with. But this one was special because I hadn't seen Rachel nor the McMurrys in close to 2 years. Basically, since I left for college! If you don't know me personally, I'm not one who just forgets about people who have had an impact in my life. Rachel was a good friend who I had gone on several missions trips with and also a trip to England as a part of our church's choir and orchestra and the McMurrys had a significant impact in my life growing up. It was even Jim's idea to get me started in the worship band in my 7th grade year! Those 3 days single-handedly made my week that much better (seeing my other friends was great too). But to relive some great times in high school (not dwell in them but relive them) was so fun to see where I've come in the last 5 or 6 years. God's grace is so wonderful, even when it's just visiting old friends. 

I know as I get older, I'll probably become farther and farther apart from these dear friends, but I don't plan on doing that anytime soon.

Peace out.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

....You See The Depths Of My Heart....

I know we're all probably very familiar with the song by Chris Tomlin (written by Laura Story) entitled "Indescribable". It's a beautiful song talking about creation and how beautiful everything is that God made but most importantly, how beautiful God is. So beautiful, in fact, that He is indescribable.

I'll be perfectly honest, I've been in a bit of a slump this whole semester really as I continue to learn how to balance my life out in college between school projects, working for my department, and also being involved in other's lives - what some may call "being social". But not being social for the sake of hanging out.....being social for the sake of the Gospel. Going out and making disciples.

There are some days when I want to do this and other days when I just want to say "Forget it! I'm done with this, it's too much to handle, too much for me to deal with! My GPA is suffering already, my relationships with my "real friends" are suffering, I'm sorry God, I'm going to have to put you on the back burner!"

If you would like to see selfishness epitomized, hang out with me for a day. So often I forget how great this God is that has saved me from my wretched sinfulness. So often I forget that the greatest joy in the world is found in Christ and found in serving Him for a lifetime. 

I was reminded tonight at a Chris Tomlin concert that God is great and greatly to be praised! Sometimes we need a refresher or something to awaken our souls from a time of "slumping". This concert did it for me tonight. Those lyrics just resonated in my head over and over throughout the night

"You see the depths of my heart.....and You love me the same...."

Sometimes in our puny little human heads we get this idea that God is completely oblivious to our sin and to our wickedness. He just loves us because He really has no idea what we're really like right?? WRONG! God knows everything about us, in fact, He knows more about is than we do! He knows the number of hairs on our head for crying out loud! No, God knows everything there is to know about everyone on the planet and He loves us the same. 

I've heard it said that you can lasso Pluto with a garden hose before God will ever stop loving you. Considering no one will ever lasso Pluto, that's some pretty good news.....

Sunday, March 6, 2011

To Live Is Christ, To Die Is Gain

"For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."

Those words written by Paul in Philippians 1:21 are so powerful! Paul is saying the greatest gain in the world is to die - to enter onto eternity's shore where God is waiting for us and where He will welcome us with open arms as His children. I don't know about you but that would take a lot of soul-searching for me to make that claim. Instead of wealth or health or food or clothes or a cooler car (I know that this didn't apply to Paul back then since they didn't have cars) or a nicer house or (for guys) a beautiful wife or (for girls) a handsome husband, he said the greatest gain a believer could have would be to die! 

But what kind of faith could this be that makes a man who, for most of his life, is on the verge of death say that the greatest gain in the world would be to lose his life? A faith where the outcome is already known. A faith where we know who the Victor is, who comes out on top and that is Jesus who overcame sin, death, and Satan so we could have this eternal life and say with Paul "To live is Christ and to die is gain". It's very easy to get discouraged when we're slandered or maligned for believing in Jesus. It's very easy to get discouraged when people we're trying to share Christ with don't respond the way we want them to. It is also very easy to be fearful of the world when we step out of our comfort zone to share our faith knowing full well that people won't like us for it. But the greatest hope in the world is that no matter what people think about us, it doesn't change the fact that we have won! Not because of what we've done but because of Christ who overcame everything in our place. The Bible says that Jesus will return victorious to earth to judge the living and the dead and we will all have to answer to Him. As believers, we can stand in full confidence knowing that we've been saved from our sins and also knowing that Jesus is the triumphant One. That should be an encouragement to each of us as we go out making disciples. I know it is for me.

In Christ,

Saturday, March 5, 2011

....just the beginning....

Hello all!

I know that no one is currently following me but I'm writing this anyway with the expectation that soon enough one person will dare to follow my rants. I'm new at this blogging stuff so you'll have to forgive me if it is painfully obvious I don't know what I'm doing. Besides that, I'm excited about doing this and sharing with you all the struggles, joys, pains, laughs, and burdens of an almost 20-year-old college student who is trying to live for Jesus in the midst of a very broken world. It's hard but thankfully I have a faithful Father who has promised that "no one will snatch them (believers) out of My hand". A wonderful promise that encourages me as I go out into the world to share the good news of Jesus. My favorite Bible verse is posted just below the title of this blog which is 2 Corinthians 12:9-10.  It's an awesome illustration of how things really are.  I'm a weak, pathetic human who has needs constantly.  If I'm not relying on God then there is a real problem.  Anyway, hope you guys enjoy.......if anyone ever follows me.

In Christ,